The Moments When Publishing Feels REAL

Aug 26, 2014

It's now just over two months until The Unhappening of Genesis Lee comes out, and exciting things are happening around these parts! If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, these might be a bit familiar.

First, the audio rights to the book sold to Audible! I'm thrilled that there will be an audio version of the book, since I have so many friends who love audio books. I can't wait (and I'll admit, I'm a little nervous!) to hear my book performed out loud. Oral storytelling has such a strong tradition for generations, and I was exposed to a lot of it while in Ghana, so this feels particularly special to me. ARCs arrived! I checked the mailbox like a nervous squirrel for days, and when the box with my publisher's name on it finally arrived, I shrieked, "It's here!" And then I juggled that box, the rest of the mail, my purse, my son's backpack, and my son himself back to the house (we'd just come from his preschool). I ripped the box open, and there they were! Books. With my name on the front, and my story between the covers. I laughed like a maniac.

And you know what the coolest part was? Not seeing the cover with my name on it, or reading the back copy, or the copyright page with my name on it, or even signing one copy on the title page with the words, "Ha ha! I'm signing my own book!" No, the best part was flipping it open to see the words I wrote IN A BOOK.

Suddenly, it was all real. It got even more real when I realized that people are now READING the words I wrote-- because there are also eARCs up on Edelweiss for short-term download!

And then I started getting my bookmarks and postcards and buttons in the mail and I sort of just spent the rest of the week in a giggle-induced state of frantic excitement. :)

So, my friends, it's real. After years and work and luck and a million other little and big details, I finally have a grasp on the fact that this story I wrote will be out there for others to read. It's pretty much the best feeling in the world! And to share the joy, if you're interested in a signed postcard, email me your address and I'll get one in the mail to you!


Anonymous said...

Shallee! This is so awesome! Congratulations! Now get that ARC up for ARC touring--I want it! :)

Shallee said...

Mackenzi, it's up on the Fearless Fifteeners ARC tour thread for sign-ups, and now on its way to the first reader!

Ella Z. said...

congrats, they are beautiful!! ♥ I want a postcard but I don't live in the states :/

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I'm so happy for you, Shallee. I love that you signed your own book, and especially what you wrote there for the signing.

Anonymous said...

This post made me smile so wide. I received my box of books last week from my publisher and it brought back the dizzy excitement.

A million congratulations!

Carrie-Anne said...

Congratulations on your swiftly upcoming release!

Suzanne Furness said...

How exciting that must be, congratulations :)

Jenilyn Collings said...

Yay!! This makes me so happy! Congratulations! :-)

Kami said...

Hooray!! Thanks for sharing your book with me and my friends! I hope we can get some buzz going for you!

Do you know who will be reading your book for the audio? I hope it is someone awesome!

Dianne K. Salerni said...


Seeing your words on the page when you get your galleys (or first pass pages) for proof-reading is the first time your book really looks like a book. But then, oh the ARCs!

Wait until you get a box of the real thing! ;)All this excitement, doubled!

MKHutchins said...


David P. King said...

Woohoo! That's got to be the coolest feeling in the world. Congrats, Shallee! :)

Angel17 said...

I want to read this book. Where can I buy this? electric water heaters colorado springs

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