So folks, here's the deal. What with having a baby next month, finishing edits and getting ready to query, and a busy summer, I'm not going to be here much. I already haven't been around much, and I miss reading ya'll's blogs and seeing how you are. I'll try and stop by and say hi when I can, and post here once a week, but until August is up, I can make no promises.
Today, though, I've got some good news to share! First, one of my critique partners, Chersti Nieveen, just got an agent! I'm so excited for her and so glad I can finally share the news. She's repped by Nicole Rescinti, and I can't wait to see what happens with her amazing book. Feel free to hop over and tell her congrats. :)
Second: I'm *this close* to being done with my own book. I finished major revisions and even my line edits, and now am working on a few more tweaks from a final critique. Querying shall begin soon!!
Third: I finally settled on what book to write next. It's a brand new idea mixed with a few old ones, and I'm super excited about it. I'm also terrified of it. It's going to be challenging to write-- I'm doing dual first-person POV in present tense. I swore I was never going to do either of those things, but it's really the only way to tell this story, and it should work well (provided I can pull it off). Also, there are some deep, horrible, complicated, emotional, and personal things in this one. I'm a little afraid of some of the subject matter. I think the fear is a good thing, though. It means this story has a lot of meaning to me, which will hopefully make it more powerful.
So, my friends, what's going on in your neck of the woods? Do you have good news to share?
Good News Tuesday
Jun 5, 2012
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Shallee McArthur

Author of YA sci fi THE UNHAPPENING OF GENESIS LEE (@skyhorsepub). Gamer girl. Budding seamstress. Genealogy enthusiast. Repped by @hannahnpbowman.
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That is awesome news! take it easy until that baby gets here ;) I'm working on revisions myself and hoping to be done by next week. Yay!!
How can I order/buy your book when it's finished? Congrats on Baby #2 Jen & Emma
I am so jealous you have a new idea. I can't manage much thought now that my ms is out. I sucketh.
You're due next month? So am I! *belly bump* :D
Good luck with everything!
Congrats on the baby to come, finishing your novel, and getting ready to query! What an exciting time in your life!
I'm querying, mommy-ing and hopefully writing the first draft of my second novel this summer. I'll be thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way!
Rest and pamper yourself, Shallee. Soon you're going to have a bundle of joy that will light up the skies. I'm so excited for you. And congrats on being 'this close' to completing your edit. Great and well-deserved things are happening to you (and your friend).
Lots of awesome news. Congratulations to all.
My news is I published my first novel last week. It made the top 50within 3 days in the "myths, legends and fairy tales" chart on Amazon which was very thrilling.
May the good vibes continue for everyone.
All your news sounds exciting, especially the new baby coming!
May you have an easy, blessed birth! God willing, I'll have a baby by the time I'm 35.
This summer I'm hoping to start querying the most recent book I finished, an upper YA historical Bildungsroman set in Holland and the Dutch East Indies during 1940-46, and to finish the second volume (about the MC's first year in America) as well as my third book in a contemporary historical family saga.
Yes, let the wife pampering begin! Having a baby was so much fun, my wife and I did it four times. ;)
My good news is that I just finished my rough draft for my first book. Let the re-writes begin!
With an introduction like that, you have to tell us what your new story is about. I'm dying of curiosity!
Congratulations on your baby! I want to see pictures when it's born.
Great expectations all around.
Teralyn- Afraid I can't say much-- not yet. I'll put up a short blurb in a little while, but the part that actually scares me the most is part of a twist, so I've got to keep that under wraps. :)
And thanks, you all, for your support and congrats! I love hearing all your good news. :)
Enjoy your time with the baby when it arrives, those times go fast. I can't believe my own babies are now 13 and 15.
Congrats on the upcoming bebe! And good for you for settling on a new story. I sometimes combine old ideas with new ones, too. Those make the best stories, don't they? Enjoy your summer!
I was just going to ask you when the baby was due. Take care and take it easy. Hugs.
Man...isn't having a baby enough??? I have nothing but admiration for what you are doing! :)
Your new book sounds like it's going to be fascinating! And challenging! Best of luck with it all!
Take care Shallee and good luck with the querying. I hope you get lots of full requests!
What a super hero. Have fun with babe, the almost finish *yay* ms and the new one- love the dual pov's ;) Only wrote me a dozen or so like that. lol.
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