The Author You've Always Wished You Were, AKA What I'd Look Like as Brandon Sanderson

May 6, 2013

I'm off to the LDStorymakers Conference this weekend! Not only is it a fab conference, but I get to meet my fab agent! Woot.

So in the meantime, I give you something to giggle about. I got a haircut today (because I can't leave my hair untouched for more than a few months). I always love getting a new look.

And then I began to daydream, and this daydream featured some of my favorite authors. What would it be like if I could be like one of them?

What if I could create complex worlds and gripping plots like Brandon Sanderson? Maybe I'd look more like this.

Or maybe I could craft rich, real, tortured characters like Dan Wells. I might resemble this picture.
What about beautiful themes? If I were like Brodi Ashton, maybe I could weave those in more deeply.

James Dashner is amazing at thrilling, page-turning adventures. I'd love to be a bit more like him.

I think it's safe to say we could all happily try to emulate our favorite authors' writerly strengths...but maybe not their writerly faces. We all have our own beautiful faces, and our own writing strengths, too. It's great to incorporate those traits we admire, but don't forget, we are all individuals. And we make better books that way. Be you in your writing, and be proud of it.

So, my friends, what author have you always admired and wished to be a bit more like?


Anonymous said...

Oh my, that's so funny in so many wrong ways. LOL. Love it Shallee. You do very well with your stories! Good luck at Storymakers and have fun! :)

Kathryn Purdie said...

Hilarious! And actually a good point behind all that face melding. :-) We're better being ourselves and not a mesh of others we admire!

September C. Fawkes said...

This was weird... in a good way hahaha.

Nae said...

I agree with Kathryn that as much as we admire others' skills we do best as ourselves. :) Great post!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Someone's having too much fun! Those pictures are hilarious. Can't wait to see you!

Danielle Raye Zeissig said...

Too funny! I would love to emulate J.K.Rowling for her imagination and Stephen King for his unique voice and style.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Like your new haircut. You must be excited to meet your agent.

Angel17 said...

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