Welcome to The Healthy Writers Club! As writers, we hear a lot about the "butt in chair" tactic, which is great for our manuscripts, but not so great for the actual butt in the chair. Every Friday, I'll be posting about how healthy I've been that week and how it connects to writing. If you're game to join the fun, you can run, walk, bike, make a healthy dinner, play tag with your kids, etc. Then, you post about it on Friday (or whenever you want). Sign up below, and you can even use this handy-dandy button on your blog.
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Shallee McArthur

Author of YA sci fi THE UNHAPPENING OF GENESIS LEE (@skyhorsepub). Gamer girl. Budding seamstress. Genealogy enthusiast. Repped by @hannahnpbowman.
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Haven't done much yet, but this might give me the motivation to actually DO something by Friday!
sounds awesome! and fits in with my LHW posts!
Just discovered you through the RFW site. Awesome, and boy do I need inspiration. You wouldn't think that after suffering a massive heart attack two years ago and two more stents put on the left side of my heart to match the two on the right in April due to two more blockages that I would need inspiration, but, I DO! Looking forward to getting stronger and not seeing my butt get any bigger. I love to walk and want to start a yoga program.
Sorry, I put my blog address up but haven't posted anything healthy, unless scrubbing down the bathroom counts. :)
I did work up a sweat!
I'll try to be better prepared next week. I'm looking forward to reading the other posts though.
Hi Shallee, I like this idea and have signed up. Although, I am going to update my progress in My Weekly Update on Sunday. Hope that is ok.
Look forward to seeing others getting healthy.
This is a great idea! I've been quite lazy lately and I hope this will help me get back to a healthy routine. Thanks for starting this!
I'm going for it.
Just seen this event and have signed up for a well needed nudge in the right direction. Every green tea (healthy) is accompanied by a chocolate biscuit (not. Do I report on my progress on my own blog?
Hi Shallee! Gwen sent me over, telling me about The Healthy Writers Club, and I'd love to be a part of it. Congrats on your agent, as well!
I'm game, but not really sure how to sign up since all the links just sent me to the comments page.
My blog is
I'm in. I heard about it from Michelle at http://www.writer-in-transit.co.za/.
Love love love the idea!!
Hey Shallee, are you going to put a new linky up? I mean, when you're back from Disneyland?
I've added my blog to the list. This Friday will be week #3. Come and cheer me on, and I'll visit your blogs too! http://www.writersfunzone.com/blog/2012/10/26/healthy-writers-club-lets-get-walking/
Healthy living has always been important to me. (Years ago, I lost over 145 pounds and kept it off.) But I admit that recently, with NaNoWriMo, I have not been doing as well on the healthy living front. So I am happy to join up with this and post about my efforts on Fridays. :) I might even re-post my Friday posts into my healthy living blog, Skinny Dreaming.
This is so cool. I will be posting on friday! Great idea!
Hi Shallee, what a great idea, and agrees completely with my opinion that a writer from all people should workout considering the long ours we spend writing, I run also but a BAD shin split hit me back in 2012 and because of the rest i became lazy and I'm hating it, hope that participating in this club of yours it will change. I found your blog while searching for writers who run, totally happy to find you. Thanks again.
Shallee, thank you so much for offering this. I plan to blog about this every Friday until 4/1/2013 when the massive April challenge, Blogging from A to Z, starts.
I really appreciate you sponsoring this.
It helps keep me motivated to train, so I will have something to post about.
Hi Shalle,
Good to join in,
Fantastic idea,
Hey, where is the
html code?
The handy-dandy button code?
Pl. provide the one at the
side bar.
Will come with few posts
I am
Phil @ Philipscom
An ambassador to A to Z Challenge @ Tina's Life is Good
And My Bio-blog
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