I got my first blog award today, courtesy of Krista at Mother. Write. (Repeat.). Thanks Krista! She writes YA Dystopian as well, you should check out her blog!

So, to claim this, I've got to tell you seven things about me. I'll try to get creative.
1. My husband and I have pet rats that we named Faye and Ed after characters in our favorite anime, Cowboy BeBop.
2. I have been skinny-dipping (alone!) at 3 am in a lake in Africa.
3. I play the piano and the guitar.
4. The first time I ever went shotgun shooting, I hit every single clay pigeon but two. I have yet to beat that record.
5. I once slapped a boy in a skating rink for a class assignment (I'll tell you the story sometime).
6. I dared my husband to kiss me on our fourth date.
7. I have worked in several book-related places: a library, a bookstore, and a book bindery.
Alrighty, I now pass this on to Andrea Pearson, a YA fantasy writer whose first book is coming out this fall or spring, and Angie Lofthouse, a science fiction writer who was my boot camp buddy at the LDS Storymakers conference!
Thank you for the award! I like your list. I play piano and guitar too. So, did your (future) husband take the dare? Love the new look on your blog!
That's quite the list! I came over from Krista's blog.
Fun things. Thanks for sharing!
@Angie- No problem! And yes, my hubby did take me up on it. He claims he was planning on kissing me that night anyway. :)
@Myrna and Krista- Glad you enjoyed the list! And thanks again, Krista.
Thanks for the award! :-)
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