After signing with my agent last week, I felt the love from so many people. And to thank you all for your support, I'm hosting a giveaway! First, though, something interesting struck me this week-- and this ties into the giveaway, I swear. :)
I had several people say to me over the last week, "I'm so happy for you! You're a real writer now!" Here's the thing, though. The book I wrote is the same book it was before I signed with Hannah. I'm revising it again, just like I revised before. I'm still tearing my hair out as I plan out my next book, just like I did with this one when it first got started.
I called myself a writer even before I got an agent, but I think I sort of had that feeling that I wouldn't be real until I did certain things that would "prove" that. But in so many ways, nothing has changed. I'm the same writer I was before, and I've realized I'm not any more or less of a "real" writer than before I signed my contract.
I write stories. Therefore I am a real writer. And so are you. So let's own it, people! In addition to this being a thank you giveaway, it's also a giveaway for everybody to claim that, if you're getting words on the page, you are a real writer.
Three prizes you can claim:
A $10 giftcard to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or your preferred online bookstore.
A 10-page critique
A 5-page critique
To enter:
Fill out the Rafflecopter below, and claim your writer-hood! Open internationally!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
So, my friends, have you ever felt you had to somehow prove yourself before becoming a real writer? Or do you already take pride in your awesome writerliness? And again, I want to say, THANK YOU ALL!
You Are a Real Writer-- Enter the Giveaway!
Sep 25, 2012
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Shallee McArthur

Author of YA sci fi THE UNHAPPENING OF GENESIS LEE (@skyhorsepub). Gamer girl. Budding seamstress. Genealogy enthusiast. Repped by @hannahnpbowman.
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Somehow I missed this news -- congrats, congrats!!!
I am in full agreement. I have been a writer for 18 years!
I am happy to say that I take pride in my writerliness. In my opinion, if you write all of the time and you love to do it, you are a writer.
Also, congratulations Shallee on signing with your agent! I look forward to seeing your name on the shelves in the future!
I know I cringe every time I hear that phrase, 'aspiring writer.' Either you're writing or you're not! Published author - now that's something different. And hopefully you're on your way there! Congrats!
Somehow I missed your announcement--congratulations!! That's wonderful news! And yes, we are all real writers, I actually posted about that a couple months ago. But it sure can be hard to remember sometimes. ;)
Congrats! I agree that it is hard to call yourself a writer until someone in the industry makes it official but I agree with you. If you write stories, you are a writer.
Oh what a lovely encouraging thing to say, I am a writer too just waiting to be discovered. Thanks for the giveaway.
Again, congrats! It's definitely something to celebrate!!
And yes, anyone who writes is a REAL writer!!
If you write, you are a writer - period!
When you publish, you become an author.
And I am sure I have already said congratulations, but CONGRATULATIONS!!
Great post! I was talking to gal the other week who said she wrote but she wasn't a writer. I told she was a writer - and to own it! :)
Thanks for the perspective adjustment.
For me, I think getting an agent will allow me to justify spending time on my writing, rather than fitting it in around other things.
Amen! Well said :)
Thank you, Shallee. This very concept was on my mind this morning! We are writers regardless of what phase of the publication process we find ourselves in. Good luck with the next phase. :)
Thanks Shallee, for this post. I believe that if you write you can call yourself a writer. Once published you become an author.
Congrats once again on getting an agent.
Hi, Shallee,
Many of us tell oursevles that we're not writers until we land that first contract. So not true. Congrats again!
we are writers but you are at the next level! congrats!
Sometimes I feel like people expect more proof that someone's a writer--but if a person's written a piece because they wanted to, that seems like enough to me.
Congratulations again on your agent. :)
Yes, I'm a writer! (But I cringe from calling myself an "author" until I actually have a book out.) So happy about your agent news and thanks for the giveaway!
I read, and heard, the same thing. It's taken a lot of work to get out of the mindset that I'm an 'aspiring' author. No! I'm a writer and I enjoy what I do regardless of the success that may or may not come.
Great post!
Congratulations! What fantastic news!
All the best!
You've nailed it. It's funny how everything changes and nothing changes when you sign with an agent. (Even a super awesome one!) Love this blog design, too!
Giveaways rock! You're awesomeness knows no bounds, Shallee. :)
I struggle with that too. But I am a writer! Ever since I can remember I've been making up stories! Love this post.
You are so right! I AM A WRITER!! ;)
Congratulations on your new agent! That's so exciting! And good luck with revisions. Actually, it wasn't until I revised with my agent and saw how much a book could improve that I really learned to love editing.
And, yes, I feel like I have to prove myself as a writer sometimes. There's this image in the media that aspiring authors never actually write. They just sit around and drink (coffee or liquor) and say they're going to write a book but never do. Since I'm not yet published, I always wonder if people secretly think I'm the same way.
P.S. I love that you get one point for the contest if you give a +1 to "Are you a real writer?" Fantastic!!
Thanks for the giveaway and reminding us that if we write, we are writers, agented, published, or not:)
I totally agree! Getting an agent doesn't change what we actually do. It just gives us an ally to do it with. Best of luck on your journey! Look forward to seeing your book on shelves. :)
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